
Thursday, December 4, 2008


Well Thanksgiving has come and gone in the blink of the eye. I can't believe it is December all ready. With the leaving of Thanksgiving it came clear to our family how truely blessed we are in so many ways. We have been blessed above and beyond any thing we can imagine let alone list in a small peice of paper. The biggest blessings that we can think of is our families, our friends and our lovely girls with good health. It is quite hard though during the holiday season to be so far away from all our family members but it is a great confort to know that no matter what we have the greatest blessing of all to be a family together through all eternity. How amazing is that? There are so many around us that don't understand that concept. We hope every one had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great Christmas.

1 comment:

tasha said...

Wow! it's amazing to see how everyone has grown up in your family dani. It seems like only yesterday your oldest brother was singing to Britney Spears in your living room. Do you remember that?