
Thursday, May 27, 2010


Caitty got her shots today so she didn't have to have them done before pre-school next year. All you new moms it doesn't get any easier when they are older to give them shots. Sorry just a fact. Caitty saw the shots turned and looked at me and says "no." I told her sorry honey but we need to get you shots especially sense there is a new out brake of chicken pox going around Worland. She looks at the nurse and tells her no. Then I took her and made her sit on my lap and she starts her head shaking and angry talk that no one can understand and it might be a good thing. Of course my girls take a few of us to hold them down to give them shots. So as they start to approach Caitty she turns and clearly (we all understud) tells all of us.."NO! Give to baby!" and points at Kaci. Needless to say that she wasn't very happy that they told her no they were for her and gave them to her but she forgave them as soon as they gave her a new book a sucker and a toy. Kaci even got a way with stealing a few suckers.
I have a few pictures that I need to post and will as soon as I can but I have some school to get done and a few things that I have to organize and get done.

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