
Friday, December 4, 2009

Twas another night in December

so all this stuff happened from 7 to 8:30 and i decided to write about it.

Twas Another night in December.

Twas another night in December, one of which we'll all soon remember.
The kids were all screaming, while the Christmas lights were gleaming.
A Christmas song was playing, I could barley hear what it was saying.
"You better not pout, I'm telling you why, Santa Clause is coming to town..." , I can hear the music, oh something is wrong, Caitlyn is painting her face up just like a clown.
Oh great at least it's only frosting, one day she will figure out what all that pretty "make-up" is costing.
I hold back the giggles, while trying to wash her face as she wiggles.
With a boom and crash I'm off like a flash, only to find Kaci has knocked over the trash.
With a groan and sigh I tell her "I guess it is time for a bath." With a clean kid I try to round them up, but something is wrong with the math.
So off to the kitchen I go, to find Caitlyn painting her nails "OH NO!"
With a firm voice I tell her only mommy does that for you, with mommy scolding that seemed to be sissy's cue.
With some squawkers, groans, and whines coming from the dog; Kaci has him in a head lock with him wishing for her to be out like a log.
With the kid pulled off and bribed with a cookie; I go to make sure the polish isn't making the table too bad looking.
As I clean I think I can hear voices (that is never good). Caitlyn has called papa on skype. As she says goodbye I am hoping and praying we can call it good night.
With splink and a splash, I see Kaci playing in the toilet, maybe she'll clean it for cash.
So a bottle I make, and send Kaci to bed for her sake.
I start the bath and the other one knows that the night is still young and mommy is getting her bed time clothes.
As I bathe Caitlyn I hear the phone ring. I shout at her "I'll be back don't you touch a thing."
With frustration of hearing a salesman's voice, I go back to find Caitlyn had made her poor choice.
With a sniff and pause "You smell like Daddy" I say; half the shampoo bottle's missing, that will make his day.
With a quick wash and pat dry, I only had enough time to let out a sigh.
She takes off like a shot, and boy-o-boy does she do this a lot.
She runs through the house in her birthday suit, mom on her heals in hot pursuit.
Caitty finally got caught in her room with some stolen loot. A bag of chocolate chips trying to act all cute.
With my hands on my hip, I tell her she's in big trouble and all of a sudden she sticks out her lip.
She gets dressed and lets out some angry Caitlynese, she could of had some if she had only said please.
With brushing her teeth and taking her med, oh thank you Lord she's finally off to bed!
With them tucked into bed they should go to sleep right?
You obviously haven't seen my living room! It is going to be a long night.

Merry Christmas.

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